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A Turkish astronomer at NASA reveals information about the black hole

فلكية تركية تكشف عن معلومات حول الثقب الأسود

Ankara / Salma Kassab / Anatolia

Professor Freial Ozal, NASA’s only Turkish astronomer, revealed information about the “black hole” phenomenon, the first of which was taken months ago.

Last April, astronomers captured the absolute first image of the black hole in a distant galaxy.

The area of ​​the hole is 40 billion square kilometers, twice the size of the Earth three million times, and scientists have compared it to the “monster”, and is 500 kilometers from the Earth (quadrillion = 1 trillion).

Ozal, the only Turkish astronomer in the team of scientists who captured the image of the black hole, was composed of 200 scientists of different nationalities.

The Turkish scientist is currently carrying out her research on black holes, neutron stars and theoretical astrophysics, and also chairs the Committee for theoretical physics, the Space Science and Technology NASA Space Telescope group, the Space Scientific Council Horizon Telescope and the chair of the Models and analysis working group.

In 2013, the Turkish flag was selected as a member of the Turkish Academy of Sciences and, by 2015, its honorary registration was awarded for its achievements in astrophysics.

Ozzal has won numerous international and American awards for her work and was able to name her on the “Big Ideas” list of 20 world-renowned scientists, including noted physicist Albert Einstein and sportsman John Nish.

Speaking to Anatolia, Ozil claimed to have studied black holes for almost 20 years.

The black hole was found in a galaxy called M87 and the news was simultaneously published in press conferences in Washington, Brussels, Santiago, Shanghai, Taipei and Tokyo.

He explained that the first data obtained from space in this sense were in 2017, while they were able to see the first image of the black hole in August 2018.

“The scientists wanted to share what they discovered at the first opportunity, but we waited until April 2019 to make sure we had the data we had and we were preparing the right images.

He pointed out that over 4 billion people worldwide have seen the first image of the hole through the media, expressing their happiness in this regard.

After successfully capturing the first image of the black hole, they are now working on the properties of black holes around the universe, which they describe as “the strangest bodies in the universe”.

He pointed out that taking a picture of the black hole is the beginning of the road to more discoveries and collecting more data on black holes and the universe.

“C & # 39; is a black space in the hole where the light is disappearing, surrounded by a section that sees a continuous cycle of gas that constantly moves to the center of the black hole with gravity,” said Ozil.

Answering a question about what has changed by taking the first image of the black hole, Ozil said the move marked a new beginning for several steps to follow, explaining that they are currently looking for answers as to whether black holes have characteristics and characteristics.

“We are currently working with the relevant scientific group to show that there is a deficiency in Einstein’s theory of general relativity, but it is a good explanation of gravity, but there are similar phenomena that do not give the theory a clear and complete explanation “said Ozil.

كشفت البروفيسورة فريال أوزال عالمة الفلك التركية الوحيدة لدى إدارة الطيران والفضاء الأميركية «ناسا»، عن معلومات متعلقة بظاهرة «الثقب الأسود» الذي تم التقاط أول صورة له قبل أشهر.

وكانت أوزال عالمة الفلك التركية الوحيدة ضمن فريق العلماء -الذي التقط صورة الثقب الأسود- المكون من 200 عالم من جنسيات مختلفة.

وتواصل العالمة التركية حالياً أبحاثها حول الثقوب السوداء والنجوم النيوترونية والفيزياء الفلكية النظرية، كما أنها ترأس كلاً من لجنة الفيزياء النظرية، وفريق تلسكوب الفضاء لعلوم وتقنيات الفضاء لدى «ناسا»، ومجلس علوم تلسكوب أفق الفضاء، ورئاسة مجموعة عمل النمذجة والتحليل.

وفي حديثها لـ «الأناضول»، قالت أوزال، إنها تجري أبحاثاً حول الثقوب السوداء منذ ما يقارب 20 عاماً، وأضافت أنه تم العثور على الثقب الأسود في مجرة تسمى «أم 87»، وتم نشر الخبر بشكل متزامن في مؤتمرات صحافية في كل من واشنطن وبروكسل وسانتياجو وشنغهاي وتايبيه وطوكيو.

وأوضحت أن البيانات الأولية التي حصلوا عليها من الفضاء في هذا الخصوص، كانت عام 2017، فيما استطاعوا رؤية أول صورة للثقب الأسود في أغسطس 2018، وتابعت: «العلماء يرغبون في مشاركة ما يكتشفونه في أول فرصة، إلا أننا انتظرنا حتى أبريل 2019، كي نتأكد من البيانات التي حصلنا عليها، ونقوم بتحضير الصور المناسبة، لقد حافظنا على هذا السر بصعوبة حتى نشاركها».

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