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The period from 2015 to 2019 is the hottest on record in 150 years

الفترة من 2015 إلى 2019 هي الأشد حرارة على الإطلاق خلال 150 عاما

The years until 2019 have been the hottest five-year period since the measurements started around 150 years ago. This is evident from the report of the World Weather Organization.

According to preliminary calculations by the World Weather Organization (WMO), the years from 2015 and 2019 are the hottest five-year period since the measurements began around 150 years ago. The average temperature during this period was 1.1 degrees above that of pre-industrial times. Compared to the previous five-year period, the increase was 0.2 degrees. This is clear from the new climate report of the WMO.

To keep the average temperature rise below 2 degrees by 2100, efforts to reduce greenhouse gases would have to be tripled, said WMO Director-General Petteri Taalas. To limit the warming to 1.5 degrees, a fivefold is necessary. Scientists think the two-degree goal is the least to avert a dangerous disruption of the world’s climate.

Four years ago in the World Climate Agreement in Paris, 184 states had agreed to strive for a 1.5-degree limit. However, if all countries continue their current climate policy, it is more likely to expect a warming of between 3.0 and 3.4 degrees. Even if they fulfill their respective self-commitments, that would limit warming to just 2.6 to 2.9 degrees, experts estimate.

Yet another reminder of the #climatechange and the need for urgent #ClimateAction. #dataviz from @ anttilip # UniteBehindTheScience

– WMO | OMM (@WMO) September 21, 2019
“All the signals and consequences of climate change – sea-level rise, ice loss, extreme weather – have become stronger,” the WMO reported. It is urgently necessary to set ambitious climate goals now. “Sea level rise is accelerating and we fear that a sharp decline in ice in Antarctica and Greenland will exacerbate development,” Taalas said.

In the report, the WMO brings together new scientific findings on the dramatic decline in ice, sea-level rise, acidification of the oceans and the climatic causes of extreme heat waves, forest fires and floods.

Climate change – What if we do nothing? Forest fires, ice melt, storms: Man feels the global warming. What’s the future like? Climatologist Stefan Rahmstorf explains our world 4 degrees more.

Source: zeit

قالت المنظمة العالمية للأرصاد الجوية إن الفترة من 2015 إلى 2019 هي الأشد حرارة على مدى خمس سنوات متتالية، منذ أن بدأ رصد تسجيل درجات الحرارة قبل حوالي 150 عاما.

وأظهرت الحسابات الأولية الصادرة اليوم، أن متوسط درجة الحرارة في هذه الفترة كان أكبر بـ1ر1 درجة مئوية من متوسط درجات الحرارة قبل

الثورة الصناعية.

وذكر تقرير المنظمة العالمية للأرصاد الجوية أنه مقارنة بالسنوات الخمس السابقة على الفترة 2015/ 2019، فإن متوسط درجات الحرارة كان أعلى بـ 2ر0 درجة.

وقال السيد بيتري تالاس الأمين العام للمنظمة إنه من أجل تحقيق هدف الإبقاء على ارتفاع درجة الحرارة العالمية أقل من درجتين مئويتين بحلول عام 2020، يجب مضاعفة الجهود المبذولة لخفض معدل الغازات الدفيئة ثلاث مرات.

وأوضح تقرير المنظمة أن علامات تغير المناخ وآثاره، مثل ارتفاع مستوى سطح البحر وفقدان الجليد والطقس القاسي، زادت خلال الفترة 2015/ 2019.

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