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💉 Health

Hot summer months can present challenges for diabetics: HMC official

تحذير لمرضى السكري بتجنب الحرارة والجفاف

As Qatar’s hot and humid summer months can often be challenging for individuals with diabetes, extra care must be taken during this period, an official at Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) has said.

“Qatar’s hot summer months can be challenging for patients with diabetes as extreme heat can affect blood sugar control. In general, diabetics feel the heat more than people who don’t have diabetes because many diabetes complications, such as damage to blood vessels and nerves, can affect the sweat glands. Diabetics also become dehydrated more quickly and hot temperatures can lead to sunburn, which can stress the body and raise blood sugar levels,” said Manal Othman, director, diabetes education at HMC.

According to Othman, dehydration can be one of the greatest threats to an individual with diabetes because, in addition to causing blood glucose levels to rise, it can also inhibit the absorption of injected insulin. “The effects of dehydration aren’t always obvious.”

“Staying hydrated is important for everyone but this is especially important for individuals with diabetes. Once a person with diabetes experiences uncontrolled blood sugar levels or heat exhaustion, it can be difficult to get glucose levels back under control. We advise our patients to be cautious during the summer months and we teach them to recognise the symptoms of heat-related illness, which can include dizziness, fainting, excessive thirst or excessive sweating,” said


She stresses the importance of seeking medical attention for heat-related illness and recommends that patients carry small bottles of water with them and test their blood sugar levels


“Hot temperatures can cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate suddenly, and this is especially true if an individual is involved in physical exercise. Physical activity is key to managing diabetes, but we don’t recommend being active outdoors during the hottest part of the day or when the heat index is high. Get out early in the morning or in the evening when temperatures are lower, or spend some time walking around an air-conditioned mall,” she added.

Othman recommends that individuals with diabetes drink plenty of caffeine-free fluids, especially water, and carry their medications with them while away from home. She also stresses the importance of ensuring that insulin, glucose meters, and test strips are safely stored during times of high heat and humidity.

“A number of variables can affect the efficacy of test strips and insulin and improper storage and high temperatures are among the greatest threats. Heat can damage blood sugar monitors, insulin pumps and other diabetes equipment. Don’t leave them in a hot car, by a pool, in direct sunlight or on the beach. We recommend our patients keep their insulin in a small cooler or insulated lunch bag when travelling or spending time away from home,” said Othman.

She also warns about the dangers of sunburn, saying heat and sunburn place additional stress on the body, which raises blood sugar levels. She says sunburn can also cause inflammation and may result

in increased insulin resistance.

“We educate our patients about the importance of avoiding sunburn. We recommend they use a good broad-spectrum sunscreen and wear sunglasses and a hat when out in the sun. We also recommend they don’t go barefoot, even on the beach or at

the pool.

Wearing loose-fitting, lightweight and light-coloured clothing can also be an effective strategy for beating the summer heat,” said Othman.

Diabetes-related skin conditions are another notable concern during the warmer months, with bacterial infections, fungal infections, diabetic blisters, rashes, sores and itching, being more common when the heat and humidity are high. Some skin problems can also be a warning sign of diabetes in those who are undiagnosed. Othman says most diabetes-related skin conditions can be prevented or treated easily if detected early.

“During the year, but especially during the warmer months, it is important for individuals with diabetes to keep their skin dry and clean. Perspiring, summer activities and excessive sun exposure can trigger a number of diabetes-related skin conditions. Throughout the year, but especially during the hotter months it is important for diabetics to inspect their skin daily to look for irregularities and to report any issues to their doctor immediately,” she


Othman points out that frequent monitoring is the key to well-managed diabetes as it can allow a patient to take appropriate action sooner and avoid a diabetic emergency. She adds that in cases where the individual has been physically active, it is important to continue monitoring blood sugar levels for several hours, saying their blood sugar may be affected for several hours after the activity ends.

She also recommends that individuals with diabetes always carry identification that indicates they have diabetes.

نصحت السيدة منال عثمان -مدير التثقيف الصحي لمرضى السكري في مؤسسة حمد الطبية- مرضى السكري بضرورة العناية بصحتهم، وتجنّب التعرض للحرارة المرتفعة خلال فصل الصيف، حيث يمثل ارتفاع درجات الحرارة والرطوبة بعض التحديات الصحية الخاصة لمرضى السكري.

وأوضحت منال قائلة: «يؤثر الطقس الحار على قدرة مرضى السكري على المحافظة على مستوى السكر في الدم ضمن المعدلات الطبيعية، حيث يشعر مرضى السكري بتأثير حرارة الجو بصورة أكبر من غيرهم من الأصحاء، وذلك بسبب المضاعفات الصحية المرتبطة بداء السكري، كالأضرار التي تصيب الأعصاب والأوعية الدموية، والتي قد تؤثر على الغدد العرقية. وبالإضافة لذلك، فإن مرضى السكري أكثر عرضة للإصابة بالجفاف بشكل أسرع من غيرهم من الأصحاء، كما يمكن أن يؤدي ارتفاع درجات الحرارة وتعرض مرضى السكري المباشر لأشعة الشمس إلى حروق شمسية (حروق جلدية) قد تؤثر على الحالة الصحية للجسم بشكل عام، وتتسبب في ارتفاع مستوى السكر في الدم».

وأشارت منال إلى أن الجفاف يُعد أحد أكبر المخاطر الصحية التي تواجه مرضى السكري، حيث لا يقتصر تأثير الجفاف على رفع مستوى السكري في الدم فحسب، بل يمكن أيضاً أن يتسبب في منع امتصاص الإنسولين عند حقنه بالجسم، وقد لا تظهر آثار الجفاف بالضرورة بشكل واضح على المريض.

وأكدت منال على أهمية الحصول على رعاية طبية عاجلة في حال الإصابة بأعراض مَرضِيَّة ناتجة عن ارتفاع درجات الحرارة، ونصحت مرضى السكري بالحرص على حمل زجاجة ماء صغيرة طوال الوقت أثناء الصيف، وفحص مستوى سكري الدم بصورة منتظمة.

وأضافت قائلة: «تعتبر ممارسة النشاط البدني والتمارين عنصراً رئيسياً في برنامج علاج مريض السكري، ولكن قد يؤدي ارتفاع درجات الحرارة إلى حدوث تغير مفاجئ في معدل السكر في الدم في حال انخراط المريض في أداء نشاط بدني، لذا لا ننصح المرضى بممارسة الرياضة في الأماكن المفتوحة خلال ساعات النهار التي ترتفع فيها درجات الحرارة إلى أعلى مستوياتها، ولكن ننصح بالخروج في الصباح الباكر أو في الفترة المسائية عندما تنخفض درجات الحرارة إلى أدنى مستوياتها.;

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